WordPress.com News

WordPress.com bloggers create some truly bespoke sites using our 200+ themes as a starting point — the possibilities are endless, especially if you’re willing to give CSS a try.

What if you want something that’s more off-the-shelf, but still feels like you? Using a custom header and background — options that are available with most themes, no upgrade or coding chops needed — can completely transform the look of a theme. Not convinced? Take a look at Chef in DisguiseBKLYN Locavore, and The Modage Cottage. We bet you’ll be as surprised as we are at how they started out, and how far they’ve come with just a few tweaks.

Chef in Disguise

Sawsan explores her passion for Middle Eastern food on Chef in Disguisewhere her delicate header and complementary background pattern create a soft, welcoming mood that still allows her photography to shine:

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